Never ever take for granted the time spent with those whom you love.
Take the opportunity to turn off the TV
Step away from the computer
Put the phone on silent
Avoid the hectic mall scene
And instead....
Sit with them
Sit with them
Listen to them
Understand their wants and worries
Share with them your experience
Laugh and cry together
Create memories that will last forever
For you never know when they will no longer be there.
It has been almost two years since I lost my best friend, Brittney. I miss talking with her everyday, Skype dance parties, shopping together, spending time together laughing so hard we cried and so much more. I never imagined saying good- bye to her at such a young age but I will never forget her. B, I love you!
What I would give for a few more moments with those that I have lost.
Cherish them!!
Cherish them!!